Friday, August 7, 2009

Yes and No

Turn Offs
1) Asian ricers
2) Braces
3) Emotional sensitivity
4) Fobby-ness aka extreme girlyness
5) Cocky attitude
6) Facial hair
7) Loose jeans falling off the ass
8) Creepy male clingyness
9) Stupidity
10)Lanky, skinnyness

Turn Ons
1) Cute smile aka straight teeth
2) Non-emo glasses
3) Height
4) Intelligence
5) Wit
6) Nice back, nice arms
7) Axe
8) Dry humor
9) Hot voice
10)FITTED clothes

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Alpha texted me. He asked me to talk. It started with "I need to talk to you." Taken aback from his ignoring me, I replied "About what." The following message caught me by surprise.

Just basically I've ruined everything with my gf and i just thought id make it official that i'm going to not talk to you anymore i've just felt so guilty about it all and i pretty much messed up something with the only person i can see myself with.

WHAT? It's my fault? Thoroughly angry, I replied:

Ok? What are you expecting me to do, feel bad for you? I mean you're a little late. You ignored me for days and only now telling me youre gonna stop talking to me. Dont play it off like youre the only one losing in this because i lost badly too. Dont forget how you flew your ex up to dc so as if you didn't mess it up already. I'm sorry that you fucked things up with her and only now feel guilty about it but you acted liek a complete jerk to me and then made me feel bad for cnofroting you with my feelings. So now its my turn to disregard yours. Goodbye.


Tuesday, August 4, 2009


We all know what a Peter Pan complex entails, and we all go through some sort of phase to get us through it.
But, through my studies, I've realized that there's one group of people who never fully recover. They can't be full rehabilitated into a state of normalcy; this is to say they never grow up. Simply, these people are men.
I am a hyporcite then, having been unfaithful myself. But I've learned to confront my mistakes and answer my own questions. Crying is something I want to do often; it's hard to push back the tears. But the key is to stop before you even think about it. Crying shows that you feel bad for yourself; why feel bad for yourself over something completely stupid? Is another pile of bones, muscles, tissue defined by a Y chromosome really worth a lapse in mental and emotional health? I am reaffirmed by this article. Men think differently, and it's up to the women to put up with it for the sake of her own sanity and power.
At the same time though, don't be a feminist. Women have a natural role in life; and being a man or "equal to" isn't that. There is a way to female power, and walking in the footsteps of a man isn't it. I feel like, if life were a construction site...a woman, instead of trying to match the number of bricks the last man carried to the site, should be trying to rivaling the next woman to the top position overseeing all the workers; controlling them.
Things are complex as they are. There is no reason for us to regress to a neverland.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Food for the heart

"Modern Love - Those Aren't Figthing Words, Dear"

I realize the hard part hasn't even started yet. Women can be dramatic, but men's problems are far more complex.

Commentary to come later.