Saturday, March 28, 2009

Salt Fishy Friends

Recent events in my personal life have allowed me to...well rethink philosophy and my whole definition of being selfish. In particular, why do friends treat each other the way they do; and is does there exist such a term "real friendship?" I remember analyzing Hobbes and Aristotle among others in an Intro Political Theory class a couple years back.
For reference, telos, is the "purpose" or ultimate "end" in a person's life.

So this leads me to question: Do people exist solely to meet their telos? Are all the actions based on achieving their ultimate goal in life? Is there no such thing as selflessness?

Well, everyone is selfish; it doesn't matter what they say. There are just different extents. Sometimes, though, that selfishness crosses over the border between that and inconsideration, and then you're just a shitty person. Because, well, you're selfish when you don't want to share your sandwich with a strange hobo. You're inconsiderate when you don't want to share your sandwich with your starving friend who got his wallet stolen.

The point is, it's okay to be selfish sometimes. I don't care. I'm selfish, you're selfish...hooray we're all selfish. That's fine and dandy, but there's a line you don't cross. On the other hand, once you take a hike up a mountain of disregard and you're way too high up and absolutely beyond the point of being selfish, then there's somewhat a problem.

There's especially a problem when it is happening to me. Internal chaos ensues, and I find myself fuming inside. Common sense tells me it's not healthy to let your fury bottle up inside, but the consequences of doing otherwise in the girl world allows me to choose the lesser of two evils. As a hormonal female myself, I can prove this case with hypothetical scenarios silently playing in my mind.

As in, Mean Girls, "I knew how this would be settled in the animal world....But this was girl world. All the fighting had to be sneaky."

Chapter 2: Envy, right? Hah! I need sleep..


Anyone heard of Mr. ShamWow Informercial? Those magical little yellow cloths that can even DRY YOUR CLOTHES. Yes, WOW indeed. As any other infomercial, ShamWows are basically the panacea for everything. Damn little miracle cloths. Basically, it's like God's best creation all pressed into one little square, and gave it to what seems like the best guy in Sales.

Yes, but nothing is perfect. Aside from scam reports and product failure, Mr. Shamwow, has actually gotten into a bit of a scuffle. WITH A PROSTITUTE. Apparently, as the two were sucking face, the chick bit his tongue and would not let go. Punching ensued, until she finally let go. What the hell?

Read more about it here.

This has definitely burst my bubble. I am crossing ShamWow off of my wishlist. Damn you, Vince Offer...

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Song of the Spring

I recently saw a JC Penny Commercial on TV with this amazing soft, bubbly summery song.

Check it out: Sleepy Rebel's "Unbelievable"

Old Books & Sheepies

I was looking at the textbooks I'll be needing this quarter, and realized I'm having some repeats. This kind of gave me the impulse to sell my old books. Being naturally lazy, I'd never sold a single textbook since freshman year..basically I have them all. I lost some though....I have about 14 right now, but I am missing all of the books I had Freshman year. WELL that's interesting, I guess.

While I was being sad about how much money I lost over useless books that I touched probably only once or twice to cram for a quiz, I decided to digress and check out my usual Cuteoverload...AND FOUND THIS!

This has got to be the funniest, most awesome thing in the world..

Suddenly selling textbooks isn't so bad.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


For you to think about. It might not make sense 100%, but if you keep asking yourself why, you will miss the point. Sometimes, love is the greatest sacrifice.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Cyberrace Revisited

Recently, I did a project involving Lisa Nakamura's "Cyberrace" article fused with my own Runescape-playing habits. You may access this masterpiece (hah!) here.

But, actually, what this project taught me was actually not anything academically relevant or all that interesting. "It's about time," my alter ego says to me. That's right.

This revelation that has been here all along right in my face the whole time hit me really hard during the process. I was clicking around, mining coal in the Mining Guild behind Falador West Bank, and I realized "This is a shit game."

OMG really? Yes. Really.

The graphics are 10 degrees below mediocre at best, and the content is repetitive, requiring hours and hours of attention AWAY from whatever life you once had. It's a sucks little 10-13 year olds in, and the romantic ones who thrive off of anything nostalgic (like myself) get stuck with it until they're late into their 20s...or even worse, never.

The game was made for teenage nerds, and while yes, I may be obsessed with boyish things and I may love the internet and computers more than the average person, I am a really smart girl, sometimes surprisingly hot, who is pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree at a first tier college. Yet, I am mining coal ores with 10 year olds, and arguing with them about music tastes. I think I have stooped too low.

Yes, there are those who are married, who have children, who are fucking 80 who play Runescape. What do I have to say about them, you ask? They're too nostalgic for their own good. Okay, so I'm barely pushing 21, and I'm already spazzing out about getting wrinkles and cancer, so I'm sort of on the extreme side of the spectrum, but really? You're a mom, and you're fighting dragons in a web-browser based Java game?

I was once living that sort of life, but it's never too late! You throw your life at this English based company clicking and clicking to get a higher number on their high scores website, throw dollars in just so you can get more bank space and some shitty mini-games.... Well, your character at level 132 ain't going to matter when you're applying for a job. "Was a level 99 mage with abilities to tele-other to Camelot" isn't very attractive on a resume.

On that sort of note, Happy Gaming!