Tuesday, February 9, 2010


I am a fair weather blogger. Lots has happened since August.

My list in a nutshell:

1) I headed down south and paid a visit to the Mountain States more so to see my high school crush/obsession. We had a weekend fling, and we talked every day for a while until I realized my only purpose was to satisfy an ordinary college kid's libido. There goes that.
2) Inadvertently, I served my purpose as a homewrecker. Twice.
3) Last semester, I received the worst grades known to my educational record. Vastly unprecedented and very sad.
4) I got a new boyfriend. Although the consequences laugh at me for finding the one genius yet mentally ill boy at my University.
5) I worked as an Intern for a large bank in downtown Seattle. It was terrible, and made me realize how much being an average "grown up" sucks.
6) Soon, I will be graduating. Don't have a job.

That's all folks. For now.