Friday, August 7, 2009

Yes and No

Turn Offs
1) Asian ricers
2) Braces
3) Emotional sensitivity
4) Fobby-ness aka extreme girlyness
5) Cocky attitude
6) Facial hair
7) Loose jeans falling off the ass
8) Creepy male clingyness
9) Stupidity
10)Lanky, skinnyness

Turn Ons
1) Cute smile aka straight teeth
2) Non-emo glasses
3) Height
4) Intelligence
5) Wit
6) Nice back, nice arms
7) Axe
8) Dry humor
9) Hot voice
10)FITTED clothes

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Alpha texted me. He asked me to talk. It started with "I need to talk to you." Taken aback from his ignoring me, I replied "About what." The following message caught me by surprise.

Just basically I've ruined everything with my gf and i just thought id make it official that i'm going to not talk to you anymore i've just felt so guilty about it all and i pretty much messed up something with the only person i can see myself with.

WHAT? It's my fault? Thoroughly angry, I replied:

Ok? What are you expecting me to do, feel bad for you? I mean you're a little late. You ignored me for days and only now telling me youre gonna stop talking to me. Dont play it off like youre the only one losing in this because i lost badly too. Dont forget how you flew your ex up to dc so as if you didn't mess it up already. I'm sorry that you fucked things up with her and only now feel guilty about it but you acted liek a complete jerk to me and then made me feel bad for cnofroting you with my feelings. So now its my turn to disregard yours. Goodbye.


Tuesday, August 4, 2009


We all know what a Peter Pan complex entails, and we all go through some sort of phase to get us through it.
But, through my studies, I've realized that there's one group of people who never fully recover. They can't be full rehabilitated into a state of normalcy; this is to say they never grow up. Simply, these people are men.
I am a hyporcite then, having been unfaithful myself. But I've learned to confront my mistakes and answer my own questions. Crying is something I want to do often; it's hard to push back the tears. But the key is to stop before you even think about it. Crying shows that you feel bad for yourself; why feel bad for yourself over something completely stupid? Is another pile of bones, muscles, tissue defined by a Y chromosome really worth a lapse in mental and emotional health? I am reaffirmed by this article. Men think differently, and it's up to the women to put up with it for the sake of her own sanity and power.
At the same time though, don't be a feminist. Women have a natural role in life; and being a man or "equal to" isn't that. There is a way to female power, and walking in the footsteps of a man isn't it. I feel like, if life were a construction site...a woman, instead of trying to match the number of bricks the last man carried to the site, should be trying to rivaling the next woman to the top position overseeing all the workers; controlling them.
Things are complex as they are. There is no reason for us to regress to a neverland.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Food for the heart

"Modern Love - Those Aren't Figthing Words, Dear"

I realize the hard part hasn't even started yet. Women can be dramatic, but men's problems are far more complex.

Commentary to come later.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Petition to Drop the Melo

Because isn't all drama technically drama? I pondered this for quite a while on the metro this morning and then proceeded to the office, where I did no less. Because, yesterday an angry and rathe
r irritated Alpha expressed his disgust toward my drama, claiming that I was being "emo and crap."
Then I thought, "This is true." How many times have you looked out the window while a mellow song played on your ipod, and you felt like you were in a movie? Yes, blame the movies. Our lives a
re plain and simple. There are bad times, there are good times, there are OK times. In the end, when something sad happens to us, there isn't a theme song that plays just for us as the rain falls delicately against an old white rimmed window pane. Rather, when we're sad, it's because of a chemical and hormonal reaction. What's dramatic about that?
This isn't to say that people are purely chemical, but...well. It is.
I decided that in the end, it was a little strange for me to miss Alpha and our times together but ultimately not feel devstatedly sad over it. Two posts ago, I was terrible. I went home and
cried out all the pain. Well, I suppose it worked, because now I have none. What does this mean? I'm not sure. Maybe once I was done crying about it, I could get over it more easily.
The heart doesn't break-- you break your own heart by believing you're sad and doomed.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Start of a new day. A new mindset.

Typically when I get my heart broken, my life is ruined for about a month. But the last time this happened, I was 18.

I'm a 21 year old woman now. I don't need this kind of drama in my life when I have other things to live for. I have God to live for. I have me to live for. I have people who actually give at all to live for.

Yesterday I got back to my apartment, and forced myself to cry for hours and hours until there was nothing left to release. I confronted the problem for a while and thought about it for a long time. I'm still thinking about it. But what is the use in telling someone who doesn't care just how hurt you are? Someone angered by my hurt is not someone worth misering over.

In the end, I've learned that I'm not the victim unless I make myself the victim. If I stop caring and if I forget what happened, then I am just another college girl who engaged in some wrong summer fling instead of a victim of a pseudo-player's heart break.

To be strong for real and make this a turning point in the story of my transformation into a woman, I will have to deny him. If he comes back to me later apologizing, I will have to resist and not take him back. In the past, I've done this, but this time I promise myself, it's over. There is not enough time to care so much about one man or live my life based on someone else's. If things go wrong, I won't beg anymore. I won't be pathetic.

It'll be hard but I'm going to make it happen because I refuse to be a girl, a tally in someone's mental book of conquests and sorry women. I'm finally going to have control.

Aand..Cheers to that, mate.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

My Confession

I haven't written in a while, and there is a good reason for it. I have come to many different realizations about myself since school ended in June. It is nearing the end of July now, and much has happened. I am not the same girl, and I never will be.

I started working as an intern in the public sector starting June. Most times in our lives, we dream up expectations-- a scenario we play out and fantasize in our minds until that moment really comes. Naturally, reality aligns with gravity to pull our heads out of the clouds and back onto the ground. Sometimes, the reality is better than what we expect. Other times, we are disappointed. I am at a point right now, where I'm not sure which category I fall into.

I sit in my office cubicle right now. On a self proclaimed break after lunch, I type this entry while biting my lip the hardest I've ever bitten. I wasn't sure what to expect with my internship, but I expected a high pace corporate environment. Call me naive, and I can now whole heartedly agree, but there was no way I could have known prior to this. A fine, fine line was drawn between the two causes. Perhaps the expected did happen in some parallel universe, but it sure as hell did not happen in this real world now.

I expected myself to study for my actuarial exam all summer without any trace of a 21 year old's social life. I wanted to be ambitious, I wanted to be studious, and I wanted it to happen. I daydreamed about my life as an aspiring intern during my classes; I imagined the luxury of being able to document it on my resume. At the same time, my probability test would go well, having intently studied it for the whole summer. After all, DC has a high crime rate. I would not want to be out and about partying in fear of getting murdered, the usual stories I see on the local news. My fantasies included me going to work, coming home and playing with the cats, and then spending a good four hours studying. My boyfriend would visit me and spend loving romantic evenings out in the town, exploring monuments. I laugh now at how ridiculous my hopes were.
Instead, fate seemed to find amusement in allowing me to make the most of what they say "Life is a curious thing." My two instances collide like black on white, never yielding grey. I found that the environment of a government office, particularly the one I work in, is very different. While my peers loathe their jobs, working on average about 80 hours a week, I enjoy half the hours of that in an understated laid back environment. In turn, sitting in an office cubicle under flourescent lights seems to sprinkle some sort of magical dust on you. I found myself yearning to go out and explore the night.

After becoming somewhat situated in the office, I embarked on my first trip where I was to meet other interns-- something I was rather nervous about. The day before, I had gingerly searched on Facebook, curious to see who else had joined the network of our workplace. TO my surprise, I had a friend! It turned out to be, who we will nickname, "Cloud". Cloud was a peer who I had met through an old friend years ago in Middle School at a summer program. It was such a coincidence, that we decided to have lunch together. Since I was nervous about meeting other interns on the trip (which was strategically placed the next day by God), I was quite happy to have met someone. I would not be alone on the bus ride.

Then, trip day happened. I am convinced now that this very day changed the course of my summer plans and ultimately my very being. Everything I ever believed was called into question during the weeks that continued afterward. Everything I thought I loved, thought I knew dissolved and manifested in something new.

It was the day I met him.

Him was everything, and for that purpose, we can call him "Alpha." He was like no one I had ever met before. The moment we spoke, I felt comfortable. Our conversation flowed so nicely; there were no awkawrd pauses, no judgment, no conscious efforts to keep the lines coming. The bus ride was long, but his very existence made time fly by so effortlessly. We talked about my boyfriend, about his girlfriend. Having been faithful for so long to one person, I had never been so disappointed in hearing someone of the opposite sex say he already had someone than that during that exact moment in time. It, however, was okay. Friendship was an appealing word, and I didn't mind. At the end of the trip, I had made up my mind that Alpha was the human embodiment of perfection. His face, his clothes, his kindness, his fusion'd accent, his goals all distracted me from any current commitment I had. Basically, Alpha was all I could have ever wanted. But this was surprising to me. His cultural background and race, as I shamefully admit, had previously been huge turn-offs for me. My roommates and I would talk the most senseless, irrational garbage about his people. My utter attraction to him transcended all reason, and it confused me.

After that trip, I dreamed about him, and I thought about him. However, his lack of interest pushed me away. Friends it is then..until the following Monday. Cloud invited another intern along with Alpha to go to happy hour for drinks and then to see a movie afterward. I had already told Cloud of my attractions and claimed him as my summer confidant. Hesitant about attending, I told him I might have to study. Dismissing such an excuse he lured me in with "Alpha will be coming." Sold.

That day, Alpha's kindness fed more and more butterflies to my chest. I ended up inadvertantly seated next to him during the movie. In the cold theater, I felt his body heat next to me warming me, and at that moment, it was such a terrific feeling mixed in with the adrenaline rush from watching the movie. The moment I fell was the moment he leaned his head in to speak to me. I couldn't hear over the noise of the movie, so I leaned mine down too. As we accidentally touched heads for a whole 10 seconds, my heart fluttered like I was in middle school again.
What began as a friendship, slowly began to mold itself into something else each time we texted one another after that. Each day, we would generate 250 text messages back and forth; they started out innocent, moved through flirty, and ended up suggestive. It was all set in stone when we set a day for him to come to my apartment and watch movies. In the end, no movies were watched. We lay in my bed listening to his music collection, and talked. I wanted to kiss his lips so bad; he was so perfect. We bonded for hours, talking about our personalities, our dislikes, our likes...everything. The conversation in the dark, ended up with a series of hard kisses. He must have wanted me too.

Later, Alpha confessed to me that upon the first impression, he thought I was pretty and started to mind what he wore to work during the week in case he saw me. That night was one of the happiest nights of Though this is debatable, whatever other happiest nights of life there may have been, this one came close to the best. And as time went by, my lust for Alpha blossomed into a strong wanting. As a result, the next time we met outside of the office, I slept with him. For that week, I threw away any responsibility and regard for my boyfriend, for his girlfriend, for self-respect. While some friends feverently egged me on, others mortified by my behavior expressed their disappointment in me. In the end, all that mattered to me was that I was having a summer fling with the most perfect guy I had ever met. There were two more times of intimacy after that, and my heart was sold to him.

I suspect many readers could already see the problems and implications that would result from this, and the rationality screaming out of my very left-brained mind did frighten me. At the time and shamefully still, I was/am blinded by a rush of cloudy emotions and desire even, and my heart refused to cooperate with my mind. This internal chaos resulted in an inevitable attachment. As much as men can blame past women for wrongs, and as much as past men can blame me for their broken hearts, I believe it is highly justified when someone says "Women become attached after sex." But time was running out. A 2 month internship that had just begun for me, was ending rapidly for them. Like that new Seattle movie with Jennifer Aniston, Alpha had an expiration date on his forehead.

People might question how a single person could change my whole outlook on life? I realized how much I had been limiting myself with my racist selections in partners, and how perhaps if I could give up myself so easily while in a relationship, well, how important is that relationship to me? I used to think, if I found someone I loved in college, I would be faithful no matter what..especially after the consequences of my first serious college relationship ended up in turmoil as a result of my own bad drunken judgment. I thought I had learned my lesson from that, and I did for the next 3 years. But the past 3 years of loyalty suddenly disengaged itself from me, and fell away so quickly. I began to think "I am young. I have the rest of my life to be with someone." But at the same time, I was too fearful to even dream about telling my boyfriend.

These emotions and fantasies, now melt into a different fear. As his last day in the office lies but two days from today, I find my heart torn as my eyes bleed mascara. His sudden distance reminds me of what kind of pain I will have to endure, and it's already starting. "I don't mean to ignore you," he says. "And I don't want to make you feel bad, but it will help not make me miss you when I go back."

Whatever wrongs I have done in the past, whosever hearts I have broken even collectively could not amount to the pain I'm feeling now. I had known that this day would come, and I had known that we would not be anything more than each other's summer conquest subjects. I was consciously and fully aware of the grave I had been digging for myself, but I didn't stop myself, because I wanted it. Although I had later realized through our time together that Alpha was not flawlessly kind or perfect and that he did annoyingly get angry over stupid things, I loved those imperfections. Although it is what it is, a month and a half of physical activity engaging two different people from different backgrounds, I learned so much about my own dependency and my own personality. How I become attached to things that matter to me, how I live in the moment without regard for the future, how I sacrifice things for others. Even when another girl was brought into the picture and I vowed I would never talk to him again, his skin, his eyes, his teeth, his kiss, his body, his tongue, and his....personality? all brought me back to him.
The last night we will probably ever spend together, as of now, probably can be assumed as the day I last saw him last week. As I slept on him that Friday night, in his dreams, he rolled over and held me tight before sleepily kissing me. A weary, half asleep murmuring whisper of "I love you." I said nothing back, because I knew he was sleep-talking. It made me think. I couldn't love him.

But if it wasn't love, what is it? I love my boyfriend of years; he who would wipe my drunken vomit away with his bare hands and he who I could tell anything to do. I couldn't possibly love a stranger I'd only slept with three times and seen for a month and a half. The intense rush I got from him, the comfort I felt while I was with him...I don't know his personality even that well, but in a cliche way, I feel as though I did love him as two souls would when they combine without any rational thought and purely based on feeling. I used to believe that love was based on purely emotion, but changed when I met my boyfriend. Now, I question it. If I would sacrifice so much for one man, and with the way he could render me so much pain... more than I ever felt with my boyfriend, it might as well be the kind of love I've always been questioning.

I sit now, mortified by my long blog entry and at the dramatic and cliche words I've put into it. But, the pathetic aspect of this is...that there would be no other adequate words to describe this experience. There is so much pain inside as I type, that it can't even be compared to how I felt at the worst point in my relationship with my current boyfriend. Then, I bawled and bawled until I could not any longer. That was easy. Now, I feel the pain inside, but my eyes refuse to cry out the tears. I want to cry them out, but there is so much weight inside, that I am numb. Now through Alpha, I know. My expectations for a purely career and academic related experience have been overshadowed by a personal discovery of emotion. Quite frankly, it is hard to admit in the midst of his exit from my life. While I am sure I will never see him again after this Thursday, I boldly explain my feelings. a stranger and I hate it.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Aunt Jodi = aw.....


Recently, I've been tracking this whole Jon and Kate Plus 8 situation. For those who are close and dear to me, I have been obsessed with JK+8 since the beginning of time aka the beginning of my college career.

Having that said, of course, everyone knows that there has been extreme media coverage lately...revolving around scandal, around deception, conflict....etc etc. It all ends with a big fat D-word. What else is new, right?

Well, we owe it all to to bring us the latest meaningless celebrity gossip. One thing I noticed when I stumbled across the site, is that "Aunt Jodi" has been spewing her opinion on things. Apparently, untold secrets, the "insider's" view on things.

There's a blog created by the spineless. The comments are disabled, because she's too afraid to view the results. If you're going to create a controversial blog with a bunch of middle-aged-woman-whining strewn together with a dash of random Googled quotes about "truth" in an attempt to sound witty, well...then grow a pair!

Honestly, people can say how much Aunt Jodi has suffered. Boo frikkin hoo. The only truth there is, is that Jodi is an AW (see beginning). If you do crave the spotlight but play it off like you're doing things to benefit other people's children, then stop doing interviews with incredible tabbie sites. If you take care of other people's children out of the kindness of your heart, it shouldn't matter if you get paid for doing it on camera or not. Furthermore, if you really cared about the well-being of the children, you would stop hogging the Radaronline spotlight and do something about it on your own.

Folks, Jodi is crying out for attention, and her sister is feeding it and feeding it with this blog. The same woman who thought it was alright to give toddlers gum, the same woman with that blank dim-witted stare has been simply jealous this whole time. Her sister-in-law lands a show on TLC. You can say all you want about how this isn't true, how she is not jealous, but the fact is, when you go on a interview spree, you're showing the world that you wanted the fame and attention all along.

When I watch their video, I feel like the resulting feeling of tremendous irritation is mostly caused by the fact that these are not intelligent people. They are jealous, slow individuals who have to settle for an online tabbie in order to satiate their hunger for fame. They pretend to care about the well-being of their nieces and nephews, yet they publicly denounce the children's parents. Psychiatrists will tell you anything you want to hear if you pay them enough. They can be pretty convincing too. But, just look at that picture. Do these people look like they need much convincing? It probably takes their brains 24-48 hours to process information.

Aunt Jodi, sporting the traditional witch look needs to tone it down and stop acting like an innocent victim. A woman with two rowdy children can NOT tell a woman like Kate how to raise eight. Absence of a vertebral column must run in the family. And..her There are no words to describe him. The picture tells a BILLION words.

Lay off the weed, bud.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Update on Flash and BB Games

I've been addicted to a couple of flash games by Armour Games. For reference, the most popular one is "Castle Crush," which is pretty addicting. All of their games listed under "strategy" are WONDERFUL. Really w-onderful.

You get this catapult with an assortment of rocks and later (surprise) something else. You try to topple the complex kingdoms, hoping that the beams will hit the King, Queen, Knight, Squire, Princess. There are a couple of levels, and some you can beat with one hit-- others are a different story.

In other news, as a prospective crazy cat lady, I found a fun virtual cat show/breeding browser-based game. It's called Pure Felinity...and...very appropriately with the domain name I am allowed to have up to 2 accounts, which can be linked. This is a pretty awesome feature, because not many games allow you to link your accounts (ie: unlimited number of transfers of items and money between them, reference to the other on one's page). I'm a basic member as of now, but who knows? I may upgrade to Star quite soon. It is addicting, but not time consuming. Mmmh I like it. Reminds me of MissBimbo, although MB is much more of an unintelligible sort of addiction created by someone merely 2 years my senior....and bummed off of a French original.

Ouai ouai....ce'st trop mal.

Saturday, June 13, 2009


Why doesn't it feel like my birthday still?

OH RIGHT, because my stupid boyfriend stumbled in drunk at 3AM when he promised he would come back before midnight to watch movies with me!

Friday, June 12, 2009

(。◕‿‿~。) ♥

It's about 15 minutes until my birthday in West Coast time; 2 and 3/4 hours past East Coast time.

Only one person has wished me Happy Birthday, and it was...on Facebook.

My boyfriend went to party with some friends, despite having promised me his return to at least count down to midnight.

I only turn of legal age once.

Chopchopchop. It's okay.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

"I personally believe that U.S Americans..."

I was watching the whole MTV college life show yesterday during my study break. It pains me a little, knowing that this university is supposedly better than my university, yet the people are so stupid. I often wonder, if I had gone to a private institution or even Ivy League, would I still feel like this? Probably.

Although I can be lazy and although others may get better grades than I do, I have this complex where I am not limited to think, but in fact I know I am smarter than 90% of my peers. This may or may not be true, but unfortunately I do have this complex.

There is supposedly this "studious" girl on the show. I don't quite remember her name; I've only seen the show once. It really annoys me when people think it's terrible that their parents want them to work hard in school; apparently, this girl only got good grades because she was pressured by her parents.

Of course, this girl is young. She just started college. But, isn't it common sense that getting a good education is pertinent to a comfortable lifestyle? She started crying about how she was sick but had so much studying to do. Old news, girlfriend. That's what happens in the real world. That's what it takes to make it in this world. But...suddenly I remembered something.

It lead me to think about all the stupid, famous people you see on TV. Most of them barely graduated high school at all. Our Green Day coined "American Idiot" society has allowed us to get rich and famous by virtually just being moronic. We have talentless weirdos in "Love with..." shows or people who get famous from highly synthesized songs riddled with heavy bass and auto-tuned vocals. Octomom's a really dumb b-word, but she's become famous as a result of it.

Who knows who Paul Krugman is? Who knows who the last Nobel Laureates of Physics were? Very few. In our day and age, intelligence seems to matter very little. In fact, the more so you lack the intelligence, the more rich and famous you seem to be.

It's okay, Yoichiro Nambu. There there.

But furthermore, many of my peers don't know anything outside of their concentration. Not to be pretentious, but it'd be nice to care a little about the future and well-being of humanity. People don't seem to know what's really going on in Iraq, or what the Israeli-Palestinian conflict entails. Granted, it may not seem important, but in the long run, we are part of the international community. Whatever happens in it, affects everyone. It may seem like at the time, making a spreadsheet of credits and debits is more important, but no. Any wrong move made by anyone in the international community could cause another World War and ultimately end everything. Apocalypse isn't as far as it seems.

On the other hand, although I'm moderately politically Conservative myself, I don't find global warming ridiculous. This is not to say that I am by any means a hippie, because I'd prefer to not have my hair spewing from under my sleeves, but it's ridiculous how people think global warming is a ploy made up by crazy liberals. This is a very good example of people not having enough knowledge outside of their concentration. You can analyze the rate of the temperature increasing and look at all this data from previous researches. It's not a lie; just because all you know happens to be about Political science, does not mean that you know about the world.

Of course, no one can know everything, but I cherish those who have mundane views. I pride myself in my choice of variety, and hold others to a similar standard. By 2010, I may not be a Harvard graduate, but I'll probably know more than one.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Confucius says:

Upon feeling completely hopeless about my two finals (refer below), I decided to tell my dad on Gmail. He has this thing with spewing out this Chinese-proverbial-esque sort of wisdom. The conversation that ensued was (concealing the screen names for obvious privacy reasons):

(me): my classes this quarter are incredibly hard...
(dad): human like a sponge, can be squeezed and give more when squeezzed

I guess that's true. Thanks, Dadfucius. I'll take it one step further though..I should make like a shamwow.

Watch out you little eigenshits...

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Find the (3x3) nonsingular matrix A if..."socialism has a human face"?

Studying for finals is never easy. I have two on Monday: Linear algebra and History of communism. Needless to say, right now my life is looking a little bleak at the moment.

One thing that does not help me a whole lot when dealing with finals is the fact that I seem to forget what I learned in the beginning of the quarter. What the hell signified that a matrix was singular again? How do I find out if a basis exists or not? How do I find the eigenvectors and eigenvalues for a given matrix?

The answer to all of those questions is a big fat: I don't know. Truth be told, communism is way easier to study for than math, so I have been putting the latter off. This is quite unfortunate.

In the end, I envy my roommate. She has the time to play with her friends, to essentially do nothing day after day. Being a Dance major, I'm assuming all she would need to do is go to class and dance. I'd love to just go to school everyday and dance. How wonderful of a life is that? The most stressful thing she had to do this quarter was to write a big paper. I've had to write two 6-8 papers, study for 5 exams and 3 10%-weighted quizzes throughout the year while at the same time completing 400 pages of reading and doing two math homework assignments every week...with the addition of econ practice problems (not mandatory, but I did them anyway for practice). Needless to say, I'm pretty busy.

As a college student should be right?

I'm writing this post though. Heh. Back to studying.

Happy Birthday, Mikee.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Lost Touch

I've lost touch with my gaming side lately. Who knew being a college student would entail 0 fun? Man I love college my ass really. If you're a slacker with a useless major, then perhaps. I won't single out any though. Just in case.

Anyway, as a result of this sudden influx of coursework and looming finals, I've found it very difficult to play any games at all. Last quarter I was obsessed with cutesy Wii games like Mario Kart and Mario Galaxy. This quarter, I can barely fit in one weekend of Monkey Ball 2 (which I've almost beaten by the way).

I'd forgotten that earlier this year, I applied to some internships with Blizzard and Jagex. Needless to say, the supply for an econ student is probably pretty high relative to the demand. (It's funny, because I'm envisioning the supply/demand curve in my mind as I curse its existence as my field of study). The Blizzard one reads:

Thank you for your interest in Blizzard Entertainment’s Internship Program. After careful consideration, we regret to inform you that we will not be moving forward with your application. Details on Summer 2010 Internships will be posted on our website at in September 2009. We wish you the best and thank you for your interest in Blizzard Entertainment!

Blizzard University Relations

How unprofessional; and way to maximize a the mail-merge function. It doesn't matter though, because I've found a better, more useful internship. I get a stipend too, which is pretty alright with me.

2 bad.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Elva's Plastic Surgery

Elva Hsiao or 蕭亞軒 has been definitely gone under the knife..or laser...whatever they use now to create that extra epicanthic fold for Asian celebrities. For those who are new to the term, I will demonstrate.

Simply put, one has an eye "fold," while the other does not. This is a popular surgery in Asia, especially among celebrities. My childhood Korean piano teacher had told me before that 8 in 10 women in Korea have this surgery done.

To me, I can't really say much. Everyone in my family has this seemingly coveted fold, and so I never really knew what it was like to not. I guess I could compare to breast implants, although...I'd have to say it is much easier to get the eye surgery done.

Anyhow, I recently noticed that Elva has had this procedure. I first heard of her about 8 years ago give or take. Then, she was a cute girl; to my surprise, she did not have this surgery. Her eyes were small, but she was listed by many local NJ Chinese newspapers as pretty.

One of Elva's original albums.

A cute girl, nice voice... I didn't really see it coming. I suppose after Jolin had her face, eyes, nose, and breasts done, Elva wanted to follow suit. After her new album came out, I was shocked at the reconstruction of her face. Did she get a nose job too?

Is the new trend in Asia Caucasian wannabe? I can see and feel the pressure, but what does that degrade them to? Although I absolutely love Ayumi Hamasaki, sometimes I look at her and feel that she doesn't even look Japanese anymore. It's a raceless, unnatural sort of doll-like feature. I was shocked to see the differences in people's faces.

Iffy Jiffy - Stuck in Peanut Butter

Well I've gotten myself into a little bit of trouble. I've heard every rumor and have retained it quite well especially since my middle school/high school years. The only secret I can't keep now are ones by myself.

On the other hand, recently, I heard a rumor about one of my friends from one of my roommates. She is not his friend, but I'm not sure if she realized she's mine. The rumor was a little shocking to me because I've never seen this kid in that sort of light before; very slanderous.

Later, as I was talking to him, I suddenly remembered the rumor and
made a swift decision in my head to tell him. My thoughts ran something like I think I should tell him...even though right now I have a really bad feeling about it. Mmh, granted I did, I told him.

I said something along the lines of "Um, can I tell you something?" He responded that it sounded ominous. I told him he wouldn't like it and then proceeded to recite to him the rumor. He finally responded "lol, who told you this?" Well, this part got me in trouble. I paused for a second at the keyboard. Should I tell him who told me? She might have not intended for me to tell anyone. But usually she tells me when things are secret, so this probably isn't one.

I concluded three things: 1) He'd be smart enough to not tell her I told him; 2) It was not a secret and a common rumor (usually when it's a secret, she says "Only I know this" which is my mark to not tell anyone); 3) He's my friend in the end. I should tel him.

The verdict was ultimately: Tell him. As the reader, you can probably already foresee the problems with this. I actually am not stupid; I actually did see some black clouds from miles away, but I figured my moral reason for telling him would ease my tension. I figured If I'm doing the right thing, then this will be best in the long run right?


What ended up happening was, he asked me who had told him. Now, this guy is not loud and obnoxious. He seems quite reasonable. Pretty mature. After all, he is a year or two my senior. I decided to tell him.

In the present, my memory fails me. I remember typing "This is an anonymous tip," but did I really send it? That's honestly what it was meant to be. I didn't mean to incriminate my roommate. Now, I feel like....well I haven't seen the show, but the name gives me a pretty good idea what it's about...a GossipGirl. I feel like I am one of the antagonists on MTV'S The Hills and my roommate is Lauren Conrad.

I received a text early in the morning. "Why the hell did you tell [him] about what I told you?" I knew I was in trouble, and for what? For blindly trying to help out a friend who I had overestimated? I never had mal intentions, but now it's done and it's over.

Because I don't want to further unknowingly incriminate people, I have not used any names in this post, as much as I hate doing so. It takes out the personal aspect of reading someone's blog, but nontheless, I've learned my lesson. If I can't be trusted with a secret, then I guess other people can't either. My bad.

On a side note, I logged onto Facebook this morning and found a couple of messages suggesting she was mad (noting that I had apologized, which I never do since I have such a hard head). Her status read: [Roommate's name here] is disappointed at people... sigh i wish i was lady gaga so the only thing i care about is music and big dicks!

It was my fault for causing all of this, but as a result of my unfaultering God complex and tremendous ego, I am a little annoyed that she would blatantly post about things regarding me on Facebook. I'm not stupid. I am your roommate; your Facebook updates show up on my news feed.

Whatever though. Girls are girls. Maybe this is why I don't like that missing Y chromosome. Guys would be mad for about 10 most, an hour and rant at me for the time being. Girls are sneakier; they write hinty things on Facebook and My
Space and...well blogspot HAH! But really, it just reaffirms my social stance and explains why it is difficult for me to get along with girls. My strong agression only works with males who have the ability to let things go. My own kind has averse effects on me.

We'll see what happens in the end.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Jon and Kate Plus 8 and Haters

Well, I noticed something was going wrong with JK+8 once season 4 aired. It went downhill from there after it caught media fire. I'm just wondering why people are such haters about everything.

Sure, I'm a hater regarding some things, but why so much hate for a couple struggling with 6 children? There are all these accusations of the couple "exploit" their children. I'm sure that if they were not on the show, the Gosselins would not be financially able to provide for all the opportunities they have on the show. I highly doubt that a couple in their 30s would really give a damn about fame. Honestly, I don't give a damn about it and I'm approximately a decade behind.

Most of these haters are young people who don't have children or softy-mothers. I'm not really into the whole love = lax thing. My mother wasn't all hugs and kisses 100% of the time; she yelled at me, she nagged me, she'd give me a slap on the arm if I needed it. I turned out to be far more successful (so far) in comparison to peers whose parents were all hearts and sugar-coated compliments. When I was growing up, I'd always wonder why other children's parents would say "It's okay. As long as you tried your best, sweetie" to a grade C, while mine would hit the table angrily with their fists and lecture me about how I'll be flipping hamburgers at McDonalds for the rest of my life if I keep this going. Now, I know.

I'm sorry Kate wants her children to grow up healthy by buying strictly organic food for them. I'm sorry she loves her children enough to sacrifice her own privacy in order to make them happy. People can say "We all have children, and we don't make money off of them," but do you have 8 children and two sets of multiples? The answer 99% of the time is probably no.

I've read recently, that some people were complaining about Kate's lavish behavior. She goes to the spa, goes tanning, goes SHOPPING (how dare she?)....what's wrong with that? It never occurred to me that it was BAD to relax and reward yourself once in a while.

I've seen comments like "She should stop being so tyrannical and let her kids be kids!" First of all, Jon is probably the epitome of an immature man. Boys are immature, and well...most of them stay that way. Someone needs to keep him in check; it's not being abusive, it's being on top of things. And I've seen a mother in a Target bathroom watch her daughter crawl around the floor looking under stalls, and laughing at it saying "Hahahaha ohhh my god honey. You need to take a shower when we get home." Is that what being a kid is about? Having no boundaries so you can grow up to learn about them yourself? Some beg to differ, but I'm so sorry. I don't conform to idiocy.

Since my shower radio now works (hooray!), I was listening to Seattle's KISS FM and heard the "latest update" on JK+8. Apparently Kate was chillin in an "itty bitty" orange bikini sans Jon and plus the body guard (Steve) Kate's been rumored to been having an affair with. Oohhh she's been hanging around him lately and Jon's not around... Did it EVER occur to the morons who created this stupid rumor that the body guard is always with them, because he's their FUCKING BODYGUARD? Last time I checked, bodyguards ...well they guard the body of the person their working for. How would this be possible, if he's only there 20% of the time? He'd surely win the body guard of the year award if that were the case. But obviously not. As a result of him fulfilling the basic duties of his job, he's having an affair.

In the end, I truly feel sorry for this family. Their lives have been basically dissected, prodded at, and ruined by the media and by these hypocritical young people. If you think "I would never this, I would never that" go have some children. Go pop some 8 children out and raise them for a good 9 years. I'll tell you how you like them apples.

Not very much.

Friday, May 8, 2009

skipping class

I decided to skip class despite the fact that I probably can't afford to. Life is busy, and I'm not very good about studying long term, because it tends to not work for me. Things work better when they're fresh in my mind, instead of 3 days old. I'd rather cram; the sense of urgency allows me to study better and more effectively. On the other hand it takes a toll on my stress level, and it doesn't really help ever that I'm taking two upper division math classes, one upper division econ class, one upper division international studies/history class, and one random 2 credit elective. To be completely fair, the two credit elective is honestly a breeze. Nothing intense at all. On the other hand, one of the math classes (differential equations) is really hard, because my TA makes it deliberately hard. It isn't curved either. My Econ class is difficult too. Labor market analysis. What am I doing this for, I wonder. I will work myself so hard with such fruitful, diverse knowledge just to be curtailed in the future by all the rich ivy graduates? I beg not.

In other news, the roommate situation is not getting better. Quite the contrary.

I never had much of a huge problem with this one. It is funny how people create problems (the inadvertence does not matter). There had been times when the other two would complain about her. I had little to complain about, so I would always play devil's advocate.

"What if she's just busy?"
It's annoying.
"I think she's not bad..just different."
I think she's stupid as shit.

After a while, I grew weary of these comments. The girl wasn't my type of cool or fun, but she was never as bad as they thought.

In this case, ignorance is definitely NOT bliss. After a while, even though the other two were blatantly mean and on her case most of the time, all her frustrations were taken out on me. When we had a "house meeting" (which I thought was a nitpickingly ridiculous idea at first), she pointed out all these flaws I had. I boiled with anger, but understandingly abided.

Two days ago, she asked to use a cheese grater as her "super cool" friends came over to cook with her. I did not have to give it to her, but I figured I would be nice. Forgive her for the blaming at the house meeting a month ago. She started grating by the sink, paused, and then looked into the garbage disposal in the drainage.

"Can you please grind that up for me?"
I was still cooking, but I agreed to. A tiny bit annoyed by the tone and attitude in her voice, I asked nicely "Does it bother you?"
"No well, I mean it's annoying when I have bowls in the sink and I come back and there's a hunk of meat in it. It's the one thing I asked for, and it still happens."

This set me off a little. What?! Who would waste meat and throw it in the sink? It‘s your own fault you leave your dishes in there for literally a week.

"Well," I replied. "If you leave your bowls in the sink, then that's going to happen. It happens to everyone."
"Yeah, well I haven't even been putting my bowls in the sink lately since the house meeting."

WHAT? If you haven't been putting your bowls in the sink lately, then how do you know it still happens?

I told her to put the bowls on the side if she wanted to avoid it.

"But that's gross" she responded. Now there is a certain type of ironic hilarity linked with this remark. Recently, she had left her door open while she left to go partake in some rock climbing orgy. We gingerly took a peek and vomited at the site of a room that made good use of the literary comparison: "pig sty."

Grimy, soiled bowls were stacked miles high not only on her desk, but also on her chair and the ground. Bits of cardboard riddled the ground, and her 4 x 2 ft desk's wood was not at all visible under her piles of miscellaneous papers and chip bags. This perhaps happens to a studious mathematician who's working on a difficult physics equation; not a UW dance major student. How can this not be "gross" but the fact of putting a bowl or two next to the sink be deemed too gross to handle? Hilarious, indeed.

Annoyed, I snapped back and left.

The important lesson I have learned is that, there is a certain archetype of this scenario in life. You defend someone for their actions, and if they don't know, it doesn't mean a thing. I was the nicest one to her, and she treats me the worst.

Never more will this happen. I'm a bitch, and she hasn't experienced anything yet.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

short Homophobia rant

I think I might be homophobic.

Not in the sense that I hate gay and lesbians, but rather when guys make comments about me kissing my friends.other girls as a joke, I get so disgusted and it usually results in goosebumps (in the bad way. ie: when you see someones nasty scab).

For instance today, I informed my friend that someone I knew has herpes. He replied "You probably shouldn't kiss her anymore." I began to vomit in my mind, not because she has herpes, but just any mention of me partaking in lesbian activities with her is disgusting.

Gross. Bye.

Monday, April 27, 2009


Well, I have to admit: I am most definitely the worst hypochondriac there has ever been.

Although the recent turn of events have stirred up quite a fuss regarding flu epidemics, I'd like to point out that this is basically my life. I can't really think of a time when I haven't been not-scared of some particular disease. They come in phases.

To be particular, recently, my roommate has managed to acquire herpes. Lovely. Granted it is not that of the genitalia, however I can't help the innate cringing I partake in whenever she is less than 5 ft near. I even started feeling a little ill as she neared me today; my head felt a little throbby and my throat started to dry up. It was all in my head, but I still freak out. Yes, this is how bad I am.

How do you tell someone you want them to not use your things without being mean?

Me: Hey....Can you not use my cups?
Roomie: Oh I don't...
Me: Well, good because I don't want to get herpes...

I'm working on remodeling this scenario though.

People do occasionally think I'm a little over the top. I do carry around bottles of hand sanitizer everywhere I go and use it every hour, and I do grab paper towels to open public doors. I'm going to be embarking on a trip this week, and I've even seriously contemplated buying one of those surgical masks to wear during my 6 hour flight.

Excessive? Yes. Unreasonable? I don't think so. Germs freak me out, so I'd say that as a hypochondriac and furthermore a germaphobe, I should feel pretty content.

Yet I'm feeling restless tonight. Damn fluoride mouthwash hasn't allowed me to drink my nightly cup of honey, milk, and lavender chamomile tea. I'll have to improvise.

P.S: When I looked back at my entry, I noticed that Vista has taken on the Word-like feature of underlining potentially misspelled words in red. I noticed germaphobe was underlined; thus curiously, I checked to see how it should be spelled. Apparently "hermaphrodite" is what I meant. Thank God I don't have an automatic word fixer. I'd be a hypochondriac who doubles as a hermaphrodite. :(

At least that's some Grade A stuff right there. A for Alliteration!

Wow. Need sleep for real.

Happy Birthday, Samuel Morse! And Good night.

Friday, April 24, 2009

L'ideologie Politique and Communism

Breakfast did help. So did the stupidity of my peers. "I voted for Obama so I'd still have my birth control pills subsidized."

As a young, sophomoric student, I often find myself tied up with a mix of adrenaline and emotion when I'm watching the news. Unfortunately, it's usually liberally biased news (unless...of course I'm watching FOX know that story). Students think they know everything; it sucks. As a quote on once said "Young people are usually democrats, until they get a job and make good money."

On Facebook, people used to be able to choose under "Political Vi
ews" to be Conservative, Moderately Conservative, Liberal, Very Liberal, etc. I chose Moderate due to my indecisive nature. Nowadays you can enter your own shit, in which people try to be stupid and enter things like "Twilight Society" or "Federation of Vampires." Either people need to grow up a little, or I need to upgrade my Facebook friends (if they mean anything at all).

Some people think "Moderate" is bullshit. Well, the problem is, I would love to be something else; trust me. I hate being indecisive, but I have no choice. I believe in civil liberties and freedoms, but there are boundaries I can cross with religion and such. For example, I want women to be able to choose whether or not they want an abortion. It's their own business if they have problems, and honestly, killing their baby isn't going to affect other people around them. I mean, of course, it makes me feel uneasy, but in the end, it does not affect other peo
ple too much. On the other hand, well...I don't want to get into the gay marriage issue. That's a tough one for me, since I do believe people should be treated equally, but my own personal beliefs and thoughts might force my mind to think that it's unnatural. I'll get back to that when my thoughts are clearer.

I've had some dumb shit ask me "If you're Chinese...are you Communist?" Yes. It was in all seriousness. This is where my super UN-left wing side busts out of its shell. First of all, I hate welfare programs and benefits issued by the government. I think it's bullshit for people who worked harder (granted, most of the middle class + world isn't made up of Paris Hiltons) to have to pay for people who fell to drugs or are just plain lazy. I fail to see the connection between me being a communist and virtually having NO SYMPATHY whatsoever for poor people.
One example can be shown with this new program in Seattle. I believe it's called the "Tent City" project. To my understanding, they set up a bunch of tents in a miscellaneous yet authorized parking lot for the homeless. When they are not laying in their pink tents, they scoure the university street with some cardboard signs hoping to acquire some change. This sounds cute and heartwarming, until you think about it. Why are they homeless? Well think of the douchebag druggy from your high school who always had a smart ass little pimply smile on his face. He eventually realized that while everyone else was being preppy or nerdy and actually doing something (I hate to admit it, but even cheerleading would have been something), he was essentially too cool for school and dropped out. In the end, he probably started becoming some meth addict. Now he's a hobo. He expects you to give him money because you worked your ass off to get to where you are, and he didn't. You can feel sorry for those people; but I absolutely do not (and hippie liberals + indie chicks hate me).

Now in order to rest my case, an acquaintance had been passing around in the area. With the same type of curiosity (although he was much more forgiving as I find West Coasters usually are), he asked one of these homeless gentlemen "Why don't you just get a job?" His response was "I don't want to. It's the government's responsibility to make sure we have a place to eat and sleep and bathe..." Are you kidding me? It's everyone else's responsibility.

It makes me laugh when you have rednecks complaining that they're fat because they don't have money to buy healthy foods (I've seen YouTube video blogs. They do complain about said issues) and demand the elimination of disparaties in wealth. But then they're so American and proud of the freedom they have, criticizing foreigners for being communists. Do they even know what communism is?

Do you even know what communism is?

Right. It's all bullshit. Work hard, play hard. Don't a hobo. Don't expect anything from anyone else. I can't even imagine any of the trailer park trash to work to contribute to the common good.

Things have changed since 1848. The party seems to be over.

Still Lame

Well eating breakfast did not make things better; as a matter of a fact, it made me feel even more lethargic. Now, I've decided to skip my second class of the day as well.. Cheerios must have induced this!

But actually, this week was killer. I suppose it's only natural for me to want to compensate for all the nights up studying and drinking coffee. I refuse to drink any more caffeine until my next bundle of exams.


Today I'm way too cool to go to my first class.

It's too early in the morning to express my guilt not to mention have something witty to say or write about.

Breakfast may help.

Saturday, April 18, 2009


By following the trend, I watched the Susan Boyle video. I have to admit, that the people in the audience made my blood boil. Of course I'm sure the camera focused in on annoying-looking people on purpose, but ugly girls grimacing at this poor old woman's appearance...well come on. You are not so hot yourself; if you were Miranda Kerr, yes. Judge all you want. You're a goddess, and you worked hard to get to where you are; you're allowed to harbor those standards. If you're just a stubby emo teenager who has an ego the size of Africa, then shut up.

Having worked in retail for about two years, I have come to realize that people are lame. It's really interesting to see how people behave. It's unfortunately inevitable, since no one can please everyone 100%, but I have to say, some people are definitely living their life on the other side of the road.

Working in the kids department of a major clothing brand store part time in an mall designed for wealthier people (will not mention for reasons against potential libel claims), I realized that rich housewives on shopping missions think they are basically the shit. They have produced little bundles of snot and tears as well as 2ft monster clones of themselves, and now believe that the whole entire world revolves around a white blouse with a strawberry on it in size 18 months.

I don't say this with bitterness, but with fact since there had been numerous occasions where I had to call every store on the West Coast for a stupid little white sweater you could get at Walmart for basically 10% of the price. Upon failure, a condescending you're-too-stupid-because-you're-working-in-retail sort of "Thanks anyway" (if any at all) is muttered.

This one lady one time asked "Do you have yoga pants?" I put on my little smiley sales associate facade and directed her to the back. I asked her what size she was looking for. Medium, she proclaimed. I sifted through the pile for a moment, actually trying to help her. We didn't have any. "Looks like we only have small and large." I held them up to her so she could see them. Now, this is the part, where polite people say no and desperate people say 'We can try the large.' I guess she was neither and fell into the stuck up bitch category, because she said in the most supercilious tone: "Well, that doesn't help, now does it?"

I can be brash, but not enough to exceed rational thought and get myself fired. Adrenaline slushed around in my brain as I dropped the pants and walked away.

I have heard of other horror stories among my fellow co-associates. Once, a woman screamed "You ruined my life!" to a girl after realizing she gave the associate the wrong credit card card. Another time, a guy I worked with had a girl say to him straight up "It doesn't take much brains to work at [__] huh?"

It makes me wonder...was Kollontai have it right to boldly and radically suggest that being such a wife and not directly contributing to the economc in the end is just prostitution? lolcommie

Well, the lesson learned here is that it's inevitable for people to not like other people. It's inevitable for one person to feel superior to the other on the basis of nothing and everything.

Basically, I have lost hope for everything. I used to think I have social problems or that I was an introvert, but it surprised me to find out neither were true. I realized that it's just that my standards for others are too high because I hold myself to too high of a standard. It pains me to have to be a shittier person to be able to accept other people's shittyness, but that's the way the cookie crumbles.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Salt Fishy Friends

Recent events in my personal life have allowed me to...well rethink philosophy and my whole definition of being selfish. In particular, why do friends treat each other the way they do; and is does there exist such a term "real friendship?" I remember analyzing Hobbes and Aristotle among others in an Intro Political Theory class a couple years back.
For reference, telos, is the "purpose" or ultimate "end" in a person's life.

So this leads me to question: Do people exist solely to meet their telos? Are all the actions based on achieving their ultimate goal in life? Is there no such thing as selflessness?

Well, everyone is selfish; it doesn't matter what they say. There are just different extents. Sometimes, though, that selfishness crosses over the border between that and inconsideration, and then you're just a shitty person. Because, well, you're selfish when you don't want to share your sandwich with a strange hobo. You're inconsiderate when you don't want to share your sandwich with your starving friend who got his wallet stolen.

The point is, it's okay to be selfish sometimes. I don't care. I'm selfish, you're selfish...hooray we're all selfish. That's fine and dandy, but there's a line you don't cross. On the other hand, once you take a hike up a mountain of disregard and you're way too high up and absolutely beyond the point of being selfish, then there's somewhat a problem.

There's especially a problem when it is happening to me. Internal chaos ensues, and I find myself fuming inside. Common sense tells me it's not healthy to let your fury bottle up inside, but the consequences of doing otherwise in the girl world allows me to choose the lesser of two evils. As a hormonal female myself, I can prove this case with hypothetical scenarios silently playing in my mind.

As in, Mean Girls, "I knew how this would be settled in the animal world....But this was girl world. All the fighting had to be sneaky."

Chapter 2: Envy, right? Hah! I need sleep..


Anyone heard of Mr. ShamWow Informercial? Those magical little yellow cloths that can even DRY YOUR CLOTHES. Yes, WOW indeed. As any other infomercial, ShamWows are basically the panacea for everything. Damn little miracle cloths. Basically, it's like God's best creation all pressed into one little square, and gave it to what seems like the best guy in Sales.

Yes, but nothing is perfect. Aside from scam reports and product failure, Mr. Shamwow, has actually gotten into a bit of a scuffle. WITH A PROSTITUTE. Apparently, as the two were sucking face, the chick bit his tongue and would not let go. Punching ensued, until she finally let go. What the hell?

Read more about it here.

This has definitely burst my bubble. I am crossing ShamWow off of my wishlist. Damn you, Vince Offer...

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Song of the Spring

I recently saw a JC Penny Commercial on TV with this amazing soft, bubbly summery song.

Check it out: Sleepy Rebel's "Unbelievable"

Old Books & Sheepies

I was looking at the textbooks I'll be needing this quarter, and realized I'm having some repeats. This kind of gave me the impulse to sell my old books. Being naturally lazy, I'd never sold a single textbook since freshman year..basically I have them all. I lost some though....I have about 14 right now, but I am missing all of the books I had Freshman year. WELL that's interesting, I guess.

While I was being sad about how much money I lost over useless books that I touched probably only once or twice to cram for a quiz, I decided to digress and check out my usual Cuteoverload...AND FOUND THIS!

This has got to be the funniest, most awesome thing in the world..

Suddenly selling textbooks isn't so bad.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


For you to think about. It might not make sense 100%, but if you keep asking yourself why, you will miss the point. Sometimes, love is the greatest sacrifice.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Cyberrace Revisited

Recently, I did a project involving Lisa Nakamura's "Cyberrace" article fused with my own Runescape-playing habits. You may access this masterpiece (hah!) here.

But, actually, what this project taught me was actually not anything academically relevant or all that interesting. "It's about time," my alter ego says to me. That's right.

This revelation that has been here all along right in my face the whole time hit me really hard during the process. I was clicking around, mining coal in the Mining Guild behind Falador West Bank, and I realized "This is a shit game."

OMG really? Yes. Really.

The graphics are 10 degrees below mediocre at best, and the content is repetitive, requiring hours and hours of attention AWAY from whatever life you once had. It's a sucks little 10-13 year olds in, and the romantic ones who thrive off of anything nostalgic (like myself) get stuck with it until they're late into their 20s...or even worse, never.

The game was made for teenage nerds, and while yes, I may be obsessed with boyish things and I may love the internet and computers more than the average person, I am a really smart girl, sometimes surprisingly hot, who is pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree at a first tier college. Yet, I am mining coal ores with 10 year olds, and arguing with them about music tastes. I think I have stooped too low.

Yes, there are those who are married, who have children, who are fucking 80 who play Runescape. What do I have to say about them, you ask? They're too nostalgic for their own good. Okay, so I'm barely pushing 21, and I'm already spazzing out about getting wrinkles and cancer, so I'm sort of on the extreme side of the spectrum, but really? You're a mom, and you're fighting dragons in a web-browser based Java game?

I was once living that sort of life, but it's never too late! You throw your life at this English based company clicking and clicking to get a higher number on their high scores website, throw dollars in just so you can get more bank space and some shitty mini-games.... Well, your character at level 132 ain't going to matter when you're applying for a job. "Was a level 99 mage with abilities to tele-other to Camelot" isn't very attractive on a resume.

On that sort of note, Happy Gaming!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Boyz and Gurlz Lawl

It would be nice if boyfriends were less orbital and girlfriends were less bitch-planet-like. There are a few reasons for this.

The average 18-25 year old boyfriend is mostly concerned with himself. He complains, because he wants to have more time to do what HE wants. He wants to go drinking with the guys, wants to check out all the girls, wants to have sex when he wants, wants to work when he wants, etc. Basically, the world revolves around him.

The average 18-25 year old girlfriend is mostly concerned with her boyfriend; this is not to say girls are all wonderful and dandy while guys all suck deep and wallow in each other's flames of evilness, because girls can be evil too. But, girls are more concerned about pleasing the guy she is with. If there are multiple guys, then, she will devote all her energy to the one who's hotter and the one who she likes better. Anyway, random surprises, cooking, being a motherly figure when mother isn't around, etc etc.

This causes problems. One day, boyfriend wants to go out with his friends to a strip club. Girlfriend, who is jealous and insecure, decides that life sucks because she remembers making him homemade vegetable soup when no one else cared he was sick. Boyfriend feels constrained, because being an 18-25 year old male, he is the sun, and everyonething else (the planets) is in orbit around him. He wants his freedom; it's not like he's going to go sleep with some community college drop out strippers. Flirting is okay.

Well, the above scenario only works if certain conditions are satisfied. One being that the girl really likes the guy. Second, the guy is a douchebag aka not a desperate nerd who can't find a girl or someone younger and/or a pansy.

Now, if the guy were the latter, then what would happen is, the girlfriend would initially be estatic. A wonderful, sensitive guy. As time draws on, and she is bombarded by his 5000000/day phone calls about his feelings, the light is switched off. He cries.


In the end, the girls are plagued with this whole "Why do girls like douchebags?" question by their doe-eyed I'm-a-straight-go-to-guy-cuz-girls-think-I-might-as-well-be-gay friends. Well, what I've determined is that, girls don't like douchebags. Hate would even be a better word. On the other hand, to my understanding, most girls hate sensitive guys. They're too much like...girls. No girl wants to be with a guy more pansy than herself. If she's crying, she doesn't want a scrawny little boy to be crying with her...if we females wanted someone like that...we'd go for a butch les.

In the end, even though douchebags do suck an infinite amount, the pansies don't really do it for the ladies. Unless you're from the South maybe.....

\\Oops, margin of error. Back to the drawing board! Time to recalculate.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Irresponsible Parents Strike Again

I stumbled across a website called "Miss Bimbo" while hoping to reminisce through GaiaOnline. What better way to spend my college winter break, right?

Apparently, Miss Bimbo is the English version of the French "Ma Bimbo," a game where you are given a doll, in hopes to make her a socialite.

I came across a couple of different, hilarious news articles. Bias plays such a minimal role in journalism. NOT.

"Alarm as dolls get breast implants in 'Miss Bimbo' game -, Your Little Girl Can Be a Top Bimbo, Too, Young girls get boob jobs in bimbo game | News |" are just a few among many.

What fails to keep me quiet is the fact that none of these sources have their facts straight. CNN Europe claims the following:

1) "The British version already has nearly 200,000 players, most of whom are girls aged between 7 and 17, according to the Web site."

-> Orly? Why is it that under Miss Bimbo's FAQ, the average player is 19 years old? Why is it that 90% of the top 20 gamers are over 20 years old? On the other hand, what kind of a parent would allow their 7 year old daughter to access the world wide web solo? If a parent is unable assume responsibility over their child's actions online, then obviously it must be the website's fault. Obviously.

2) ""But the danger is that a nine-year-old fails to appreciate the irony and sees the Bimbo as a cool role model. Then the game becomes a hazard and a menace."" (says Bill Hibberd, of parents' rights group Parentkind)

-> Oh I'm sorry. I didn't realize that your 9 year old brats were being tied to chairs and forced to play this game.

Well come on guys. Remember the old school SAT analogies? Block MTV is to discontent with Ms Hilton flashing her v at the paparazzi; _______ is to discontent with a fashion doll website. Apparently, the answer is whine about it.

3) One parent also told The Times the creators were irresponsible. Nick Williams said he was appalled when he saw his daughters Katie, nine, and Sarah, 14, playing the game.

-> You see, within the other 329473 hours you spend not monitoring your children's internet activity, they also watched some scat porn, learned how to break into someone's house on YouTube, and chatted with some 50 year old predator in an AIM chatroom from Wisconsin. The creators are irresponsible, because you had to walk by and notice? If you think the Internet is clean enough for your 9/14 year old kids to surf without restrictions, you might have to stick the irresponsible tag on yourself. All the time you spend whining about this shit to the press could be used as valuable monitoring time.

But please, please. Sue McDonalds for you dropping your chicken nugget on the ground. It's not your own damn fault you're a dumb shit and didn't realize your food would be hot.

4) A Web site that encourages girls as young as seven to give virtual dolls breast implants and put them on crash diets has caused concern among parents and children's activists.

-> A breast implant costs about 11,500 bimbo dollars, you start out with 1,000. Unless you pay with real money, it will take you at least about a good month to earn enough. Honestly, if you haven't noticed your child is playing a game undesirable to your tastes by now, then (sticking to the appropriate theme of your article) maybe there is something wrong with your parenting skills.

5) And bagging a billionaire boyfriend is the most desirable way to earn the all important "mula" or bimbo dollars. Working, it seems, is a bit of a chore in bimbo world.

-> It seems? Hardly. Your first goal is to get a job. You gradually move up, as you do puzzles and go to the library to increase your IQ. Your IQ raises, and you can change your job. You play Sudoku, word games, and solve puzzles to do this. They are generally easy....that is, unless you fail at life and have an IQ of 20. On the other hand, I'll give this journalist some creds. Bimbo creds. Working may seem a bit of a chore in the bimbo world if you're a dumb bitch.

In that case, your best bet will indeed be to bag a billionare boyfriend not only on the game, but also in real life.

I rest my case. Peace.

[For the full bullshit article, I kindly direct you to:]