Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Aunt Jodi = aw.....


Recently, I've been tracking this whole Jon and Kate Plus 8 situation. For those who are close and dear to me, I have been obsessed with JK+8 since the beginning of time aka the beginning of my college career.

Having that said, of course, everyone knows that there has been extreme media coverage lately...revolving around scandal, around deception, conflict....etc etc. It all ends with a big fat D-word. What else is new, right?

Well, we owe it all to Radaronline.com to bring us the latest meaningless celebrity gossip. One thing I noticed when I stumbled across the site, is that "Aunt Jodi" has been spewing her opinion on things. Apparently, untold secrets, the "insider's" view on things.


There's a blog created by the spineless. The comments are disabled, because she's too afraid to view the results. If you're going to create a controversial blog with a bunch of middle-aged-woman-whining strewn together with a dash of random Googled quotes about "truth" in an attempt to sound witty, well...then grow a pair!

Honestly, people can say how much Aunt Jodi has suffered. Boo frikkin hoo. The only truth there is, is that Jodi is an AW (see beginning). If you do crave the spotlight but play it off like you're doing things to benefit other people's children, then stop doing interviews with incredible tabbie sites. If you take care of other people's children out of the kindness of your heart, it shouldn't matter if you get paid for doing it on camera or not. Furthermore, if you really cared about the well-being of the children, you would stop hogging the Radaronline spotlight and do something about it on your own.

Folks, Jodi is crying out for attention, and her sister is feeding it and feeding it with this blog. The same woman who thought it was alright to give toddlers gum, the same woman with that blank dim-witted stare has been simply jealous this whole time. Her sister-in-law lands a show on TLC. You can say all you want about how this isn't true, how she is not jealous, but the fact is, when you go on a Radaronline.com interview spree, you're showing the world that you wanted the fame and attention all along.

When I watch their video, I feel like the resulting feeling of tremendous irritation is mostly caused by the fact that these are not intelligent people. They are jealous, slow individuals who have to settle for an online tabbie in order to satiate their hunger for fame. They pretend to care about the well-being of their nieces and nephews, yet they publicly denounce the children's parents. Psychiatrists will tell you anything you want to hear if you pay them enough. They can be pretty convincing too. But, just look at that picture. Do these people look like they need much convincing? It probably takes their brains 24-48 hours to process information.

Aunt Jodi, sporting the traditional witch look needs to tone it down and stop acting like an innocent victim. A woman with two rowdy children can NOT tell a woman like Kate how to raise eight. Absence of a vertebral column must run in the family. And..her husband...I....mh. There are no words to describe him. The picture tells a BILLION words.

Lay off the weed, bud.

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